Within System Center Operations Manager 2012’s Web Console installation, the setup installs Application Advisor and Application Diagnostic – both, Application Performance Monitoring (APM a.k.a AVICode) components.
It’s all nice and good, but you may found yourself dealing with the below error while trying to access the Application Advisor and Application Diagnostic URLs:
“We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the temporary service outage” ? A quick look at the event viewer will show us the below Warning (not the full data from the event):
Log Name: Application
Source: ASP.NET 4.0.30319.0
Date: 27/08/2012 16:28:55
Event ID: 1309
Task Category: Web Event
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: scom03.domain.local
Event code: 3005
Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred.
Event time: 27/08/2012 16:28:54
Event time (UTC): 27/08/2012 13:28:54
Event ID: 06d397c6bd3548c69f4726f3c1cb0fb2
Event sequence: 16
Event occurrence: 4
Event detail code: 0
Application information:
Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/AppDiagnostics-1-129905474878289477
Trust level: Full
Application Virtual Path: /AppDiagnostics
Application Path: C:\Program Files\System Center 2012\Operations Manager\WebConsole\AppDiagnostics\Web\
Machine name: scom03
Process information:
Process ID: 27776
Process name: w3wp.exe
Account name: IIS APPPOOL\OperationsManagerAppMonitoring
Exception information:
Exception type: OleDbCommandException
Exception message: Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON’.
Connection: Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=SQLSERVER\SCOM;database=OperationsManager;Integrated Security=SSPI;
Well, “Login failed for user ‘NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON” – Let’s go to the IIS Manager and navigate to the Application Pools, there you will see too applications pools named OperationsManagerAppMonitoring & OperationsManagerMonitoringView which configured with “ApplicationPoolIdentity” – not good for us !
Setting these pool’s identities to domain user which has permissions to the DB mentioned above (“Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=SQLSERVER\SCOM”) will do the job.
Next, please recycle the pools and.. walla…
This post was very helpful and solved the problem we had. Thanks a lot!